ISSN 0303-5212

Original Research 
RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 278-281

Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers

Arisha Sohail, Muhammad Bilal Azmi, Shamim Akhtar Qureshi.

Objective: To investigate the relationship between specific dietary components and hemoglobin (Hb) levels, with combined red cell and reticulocyte analysis in young women with varying degrees of anemia.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at a public sector university, in Karachi, Pakistan. Total 320 women aged between 18 to 25 years were enrolled. The dietary habits were evaluated by using a validated food frequency questionnaire. BMI was measured, and Hb, Mean Cell Volume, Mean Cell Hemoglobin. Red cell Diameter Width, Reticulocyte-Hemoglobin, and Immature Reticulocyte Fraction were measured by automated hematology analyzer. Peripheral blood films were examined for morphological classification of anemia. WHO classification of anemia was used to decide anemia severity.
Results: The cytometric and erythrokinetic anemia biomarkers were significantly different (p<0.05) between non-anemic and anemic groups in the one-way ANOVA estimation model. After adjusting for socio-demographic factors, the fish, eggs, poultry, and meat intake increased serum Hb level significantly in mild anemia and meat in moderate or severe anemia.
Conclusion: Mild anemia is common in young women due to dietary iron inadequacy and can be improved by nutrient specific intervention.

Key words: Anemia biomarkers, cytometric and erythrokinetic, dietary habit, young women.

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Pubmed Style

Sohail A, Azmi MB, Qureshi SA. Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers. RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 278-281.

Web Style

Sohail A, Azmi MB, Qureshi SA. Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers. [Access: April 25, 2024].

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Sohail A, Azmi MB, Qureshi SA. Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers. RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 278-281.

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Sohail A, Azmi MB, Qureshi SA. Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers. RMJ. (2024), [cited April 25, 2024]; 49(2): 278-281.

Harvard Style

Sohail, A., Azmi, . M. B. & Qureshi, . S. A. (2024) Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers. RMJ, 49 (2), 278-281.

Turabian Style

Sohail, Arisha, Muhammad Bilal Azmi, and Shamim Akhtar Qureshi. 2024. Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers. Rawal Medical Journal, 49 (2), 278-281.

Chicago Style

Sohail, Arisha, Muhammad Bilal Azmi, and Shamim Akhtar Qureshi. "Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers." Rawal Medical Journal 49 (2024), 278-281.

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Sohail, Arisha, Muhammad Bilal Azmi, and Shamim Akhtar Qureshi. "Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers." Rawal Medical Journal 49.2 (2024), 278-281. Print.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Sohail, A., Azmi, . M. B. & Qureshi, . S. A. (2024) Association between dietary habits and hemoglobin levels of anemic young women: A cytometric and erythrokinetic analysis of anemia biomarkers. Rawal Medical Journal, 49 (2), 278-281.