ISSN 0303-5212

Original Research 

Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates

Hailah Othman Habeeb, Bushra Mahmood, Zuhair Maroof Hussein.

Objective: To determine if there are any maternal factors that might be linked to low birth weight (LBW).
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was done at Al-Batool Teaching Hospital from January and March 2022 with 150 mothers who gave birth to babies who lived. Within 24 hours of being born, all babies were weighed. A birth weight of less than 2500 grams was thought to be low. All mothers were interviewed within 24 to 72 hours of giving birth, and the results were recorded.
Results: There was significant differences (p<0.05) among socio demographic characteristics of mothers, except residence. There were significant differences (p<0.05) among maternal risk factors, except infant’s sex. There were significant differences (p<0.05) among disorders that associated with mothers.
Conclusion: In Diyala province, LBW is linked to maternal socioeconomic status, risk factors, and disorders. Antenatal visits by well-educated and well-off women may decrease LBW.

Key words: Low birth, weight, maternal factors, neonate.

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Pubmed Style

Habeeb HO, Mahmood B, Hussein ZM. Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates. RMJ. 2023; 48(3): 685-688. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

Web Style

Habeeb HO, Mahmood B, Hussein ZM. Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates. [Access: December 06, 2023]. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Habeeb HO, Mahmood B, Hussein ZM. Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates. RMJ. 2023; 48(3): 685-688. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Habeeb HO, Mahmood B, Hussein ZM. Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates. RMJ. (2023), [cited December 06, 2023]; 48(3): 685-688. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

Harvard Style

Habeeb, H. O., Mahmood, . B. & Hussein, . Z. M. (2023) Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates. RMJ, 48 (3), 685-688. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

Turabian Style

Habeeb, Hailah Othman, Bushra Mahmood, and Zuhair Maroof Hussein. 2023. Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates. Rawal Medical Journal, 48 (3), 685-688. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

Chicago Style

Habeeb, Hailah Othman, Bushra Mahmood, and Zuhair Maroof Hussein. "Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates." Rawal Medical Journal 48 (2023), 685-688. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Habeeb, Hailah Othman, Bushra Mahmood, and Zuhair Maroof Hussein. "Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates." Rawal Medical Journal 48.3 (2023), 685-688. Print. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Habeeb, H. O., Mahmood, . B. & Hussein, . Z. M. (2023) Low birth weight and associated risk factors in neonates. Rawal Medical Journal, 48 (3), 685-688. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230121083102