ISSN 0303-5212

Original Research 

Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals

Liliek Soetjiatie, Lusiana Lusiana, M. Ridha Makruf, Furaida Khasanah, Adi Wasis Prakosa, Bedjo Utomo.

Objective: To examine the validity and reliability of a questionnaire used to assess the role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical equipment for healthcare services in Indonesian hospitals, both during normal times and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methodology: This study involved the participation of 70 electromedical personnel from government hospitals in Surabaya and Yogyakarta, which are central and referral hospitals for COVID-19 patients. The questionnaire consisted of 16 questions that represented various skills required by electromedical personnel, including maintenance, repair, testing, monitoring, calibration, inspection, safety, fitness for use testing, assembly, installation planning, and review of electromedical devices. To evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, statistical measures such as Pearson product-moment correlation and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were utilized. The Smart PLS 3.0 program was employed to conduct these tests.
Results: The reliability test demonstrated that all valid questions in the questionnaire were reliable, as indicated by a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.936. Among the authorities assessed, the highest coefficient values for the role of conducting inspection of device performance (0.813) and the role of conducting safety inspections (0.821).
Conclusion: The questionnaire is a valid and reliable research instrument for measuring the role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical equipment in hospitals.

Key words: Electromedical personnel, electromedical equipment, fit for use.

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Pubmed Style

Soetjiatie L, Lusiana L, Makruf MR, Khasanah F, Prakosa AW, Utomo B. Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals. RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 393-397. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

Web Style

Soetjiatie L, Lusiana L, Makruf MR, Khasanah F, Prakosa AW, Utomo B. Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals. [Access: April 25, 2024]. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Soetjiatie L, Lusiana L, Makruf MR, Khasanah F, Prakosa AW, Utomo B. Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals. RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 393-397. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Soetjiatie L, Lusiana L, Makruf MR, Khasanah F, Prakosa AW, Utomo B. Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals. RMJ. (2024), [cited April 25, 2024]; 49(2): 393-397. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

Harvard Style

Soetjiatie, L., Lusiana, . L., Makruf, . M. R., Khasanah, . F., Prakosa, . A. W. & Utomo, . B. (2024) Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals. RMJ, 49 (2), 393-397. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

Turabian Style

Soetjiatie, Liliek, Lusiana Lusiana, M. Ridha Makruf, Furaida Khasanah, Adi Wasis Prakosa, and Bedjo Utomo. 2024. Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals. Rawal Medical Journal, 49 (2), 393-397. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

Chicago Style

Soetjiatie, Liliek, Lusiana Lusiana, M. Ridha Makruf, Furaida Khasanah, Adi Wasis Prakosa, and Bedjo Utomo. "Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals." Rawal Medical Journal 49 (2024), 393-397. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Soetjiatie, Liliek, Lusiana Lusiana, M. Ridha Makruf, Furaida Khasanah, Adi Wasis Prakosa, and Bedjo Utomo. "Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals." Rawal Medical Journal 49.2 (2024), 393-397. Print. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Soetjiatie, L., Lusiana, . L., Makruf, . M. R., Khasanah, . F., Prakosa, . A. W. & Utomo, . B. (2024) Role of electromedical personnel in ensuring the availability of electromedical device in hospitals. Rawal Medical Journal, 49 (2), 393-397. doi:10.5455/rmj.20230626015120